Raccoons, Skunks, Squirrels, Possum, Ground Hogs, Rabbits - we do it all!
Humane Trapping, Repairs, Inspections in the GTA.
Let us safely, humanely and quickly help you.
We will move our small friends to a location that is natural for them.
What can I do to make my house or property unattractive wildlife?
Animal proof your property, which includes:
Making garbage and composting inaccessible to animals.
Putting garbage out for pick-up on the morning of collection day.
Not leaving pet-food out at night.
Keeping BBQ grills clean and stored in a secured place.
Regularly inspecting your roof and promptly replacing worn, curled, cracked or missing shingles, soffit and fascia.
Covering chimneys with an animal proof chimney cap.
Regularly inspecting your attic and promptly repairing any opening. (Do not use chicken wire, it is not strong enough)
Trimming tree branches that overhang your roof.
Installing a 1 meter wide sheet metal collar loosely around trees about 2 meters off the ground and removing all tree branches below the metal.
Installing a 1 meter wide sheet metal collar tightly around TV Antennas at ground level.
Securing the perimeter of sheds, porches, decks, etc. by digging a 30cm to 40cm deep trench around the perimeter of such structures and installing a wire screen (16 ga. galvanized wire mesh , size 1" x 1", shaped in an "L", placed flush around each structure so that the toe of the "L" points outward) and back-filling the trench. An opening at the point of entry should be left and closed when all animals have left, usually between July and November.
Applying environmentally-friendly nematodes to your lawn to control grubs (contact your local garden centre).
Refrain from feeding or attracting raccoons.
Raccoons, Skunks, Squirrels, Possum, Ground Hogs, Rabbits - we do it all!
Humane Trapping, Repairs, Inspections in the GTA.
Let us safely, humanely and quickly help you.
We will move our small friends to a location that is natural for them.
We offer services in the Greater Toronto Area year round. We offer a two day catch and relocate service. At this service level we bring in a trap (usually early evening), set it and wait for morning to examine it.
Call us to inspect a home/business for animal infiltration, access points, and determine what needs to be done to solve the problem. This way either the client can perform trapping/exclusion themselves or then engage the our services.
Squirrels, Raccoons, Skunks
The first step in learning to live in harmony with urban wildlife is to understand that animals are by nature opportunistic and will take advantage of any source of food and shelter they can find. By reducing these resources the level of conflicts will naturally decline.
How do I know I have a raccoon problem?
There is an accumulation of fecal matter on the property.
Loud thumping noises are heard in the attic at dusk and at dawn.
A chattering sound, similar to birds chirping is heard in the chimney (baby raccoons may be present).
Lawns are dug up (like skunks, raccoons also search for insect larvae and grubs).
How do I know whether I may have a squirrel problem?
Noises from above ceilings are heard day and night, usually in the form of scurrying, scratching and chewing.
Noises are heard in the fireplace chimney (these may be caused by a squirrel, bird or a nesting raccoon). Squirrels and birds may fall down a chimney and become trapped. (Never attempt to smoke out an animal)
Stains are noticed on ceilings, which may indicate either that rain is entering through the animal's entry hole or that it is the urine of an animal.
How do I know whether I may have a skunk problem?
Frequent skunk sightings at dusk and dawn together with lawns dug up (Skunks are in search of insect larvae and grubs) and/or tunneling leading under a porch, shed or other structure may indicate the presence of skunks.
give us a call at 647.705.5690 and we will humanely trap and move our small friends to a location that is natural for them.